What are the different types of learning?

Quels sont les différents types de formation ?

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Are you considering a career change? Do you need to develop a particular area of expertise to move up the ladder? To boost your resume and develop your career, here are the different types of learning you need to know about!

Initial learning

Among the different types of learning, initial learning refers to a course of study where the student learns all the basics of a trade. It is therefore part of the continuity of schooling and takes place systematically in class. As for its duration, it depends on the diploma aimed at, whether it is for a BTS diploma, a license, a master or a doctorate. 

Continuous learning

Continuous education is for people who are already working or who have had previous work experience. It is a type of learning that allows you to improve your skills or develop new ones to enrich your CV

Professional learning

Professional learning is for all active people, whether they are self-employed, company managers, employees or job seekers. It is a tool that allows you to train throughout your professional life in order to consider a reorientation or to boost your career.

Learning for adults

Among the different types of learning, there is also learning for adults, which is aimed at all those who have already started their professional life. Similar to continuous learning, it allows employees to develop new skills or to consider a career change. It is also intended for job seekers and the self-employed.

Face-to-face learning

Face-to-face learning is a type of learning that physically brings students together in one location with a trainer. It is the most common type of learning with group or individual classes. 

Work-study learning

Work-study learning is a very effective tool for entering the job market. It is generally offered to students between the ages of 16 and 25 via an apprenticeship contract or a professionalization contract. The principle is simple: it allows students to alternate between theoretical and practical learning with an internship in a company.

Distance learning

Unlike face-to-face learning, distance learning does not require the physical presence of students or teachers. Ideal for employees undergoing professional relearning, it can be taken anywhere and at any time, depending on your schedule. As for its format, the courses can be given on paper, on an online platform or via MOOCs. 

Online learning

Among the different types of learning, online learning, or e-learning, refers to a set of solutions promoting learning via a digital medium. It can be MOOC (free access learning), COOC (learning delivered by a company) or SPOC (training intended for a restricted group). 

Diploma courses

Traditionally, degree courses are provided by universities, schools or specialized learning centers. They allow you to obtain a recognized state diploma in order to advance in your position or to acquire new skills.

Qualifying learning

Among the different types of learning that can enrich one’s CV, qualifying learning aims to consolidate or increase the level of skills of employees in a given field of activity. Often short in duration, it is generally carried out internally, via a continuous learning organization or by Pôle Emploi.

Certifying courses

Intended for people who are already working, certification learning is a short course that leads to the delivery of an official certification recognized in the professional world. 

Professional titles

Among the different types of learning, the professional titles are intended for all those who are active or looking for a job. They are professional certifications registered in the Répertoire national des certifications professionnelles (RNCP). They attest to the mastery of skills, aptitudes or knowledge in a given sector of activity.

Certificates of professional qualification

A professional qualification certificate validates the skills and know-how required to practice a trade. Although they are not officially recognized by the State, they are highly valued by companies looking for qualified workers.

Validation of acquired experience

Finally, the validation of acquired experience allows to obtain a diploma that corresponds to the professional experience. It is an individual right that does not take into account age, level of education or status. Thanks to this measurement tool, the employee can obtain all or part of a diploma, title or certificate of professional qualification. All that remains is to choose the type of learning that suits you!