What is a dog’s temperature?

Quelle est la température d’un chien ?

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What is a dog’s normal temperature?

It’s considered normal for an adult dog to have a rectal temperature of between 38 and 39°C. The average temperature of a dog is therefore 38.5°C. For puppies, normal body temperature varies slightly between 37.5 and 39.2°C.

If the thermometer indicates a temperature below 37.5°C or above 39.4°C, the dog must be taken to the vet immediately, as its life may be in danger.

As with humans, a dog’s body temperature can vary throughout the day, rising between morning and evening. This natural phenomenon is due to ambient temperature and/or the animal’s activity.

When to take a dog’s temperature?

At birth, a puppy’s body temperature is just 28-30°C; after 24 hours, it rises to 34-35°C, then increases by an average of one degree a week, reaching around 38.5°C after a month. However, puppies are not able to thermoregulate until they are 45 days old. They need their mother’s warmth!

When should you worry and go to the vet? If your dog’s body temperature is below 38°C, he’s suffering from hypothermia. It may simply be a drop due to low temperatures. Try warming him up and see if he warms up.

How to take a dog’s temperature?

If, despite several attempts, you are unable to take your dog’s temperature, you should consult a veterinarian who will take charge of your dog and explain what to do.

In any case, a consultation is necessary if your dog has a fever. Forget thermoflash thermometers: this measurement is absolutely inaccurate due to our pets’ hair.

How to take a dog’s temperature without a thermometer?

The only way to get an accurate idea of a dog’s temperature is to take it with an electronic rectal thermometer. Avoid older models, as they contain mercury and can break if the animal struggles.

Make sure you have a digital thermometer at home, preferably a soft one, so you can take your dog’s temperature. It’s also important to create a calm environment where your dog feels confident and doesn’t get too agitated.

Avoid stressing or exciting your dog unnecessarily

Taking your dog’s temperature is an intrusive behavior that can be a real aggression. Calm is ideal. For example, avoid too many people in the room. Get close to your dog and stroke him to build up his confidence. Ask someone close to you to help you hold your dog and lift its tail while you take its temperature.

No matter how gentle the gesture, taking a temperature is never fun for a dog. Afterwards, he’ll need to be comforted. Think of what he’ll get in return if he remains calm and quiet. Petting him, congratulating him for being so good-natured, gives him confidence, especially when he’s ill.