What is the difference between a podiatrist and a pedicurist?

Quelle est la différence entre un podologue et un pédicure ?

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Foot pain can occur at any age. It can be a postural problem, a skin condition or a symptom of other conditions such as diabetes. This is why it is sometimes necessary to turn to a pedicure-podologist. So what is the difference between a pedicurist and a podiatrist? And when should you consult? Answer!

What is podiatry?

Podiatry is a discipline that deals with the foot and, more specifically, with postural disorders. This is the major difference between a pedicurist and a podiatrist, since the latter practices posturology. The podiatrist is interested in the different structures of the musculoskeletal system such as the knee, the hips and the back. Podiatry seeks above all to prevent or relieve deformities and malformations of the foot, localized pain and anything that can hinder walking by unbalancing the posture.

What does a podiatrist do?

The podiatrist’s job is to correct certain defects related to posture or walking. For example, he or she may prescribe foot orthotics or orthopedic inserts. Some professionals specialize in accompanying and monitoring children to minimize bad posture. Others accompany athletes in their daily practice to reduce support imbalances that could generate joint problems.

When to consult a podiatrist?

The consultation of a podiatrist generally occurs when there is a postural imbalance. In children, the aim is to support their development and growth as best as possible in order to limit the appearance of a postural problem in adulthood. Disabled people or high level athletes can also consult a podiatrist in case of walking disorders or imbalance. Whether for preventive or therapeutic purposes, the podiatrist is a professional who limits the appearance of pathologies in the joints.

What is a pedicure?

A pedicure is indicated in case of foot pathology. This could be the appearance of calluses, a callus or hallux valgus. The other difference between a pedicurist and a podiatrist is that a pedicurist is a professional trained to improve foot hygiene. Therefore, he or she is able to treat minor ailments such as ingrown toenails, plantar warts or corns on the feet.

What does a pedicurist do?

The pedicure allows the patient to be relieved of certain pathologies that can quickly become disabling. He is often requested by professional athletes because the feet are frequently used. After an initial diagnosis, he or she can prescribe different treatments depending on the problem encountered. He also gives many tips to maintain good hygiene and limit the appearance of certain disorders such as fungus.

When to consult a pedicurist?

Generally, the consultation of a pedicure intervenes in the event of pathologies at the level of the feet. In adults, it can be a mycosis accompanied by severe itching, chapping or pain. In the elderly, it is mainly the appearance of corns or calluses, which are often painful and can become disabling. As for dyshidrosis, it is an eczema that causes severe itching and requires appropriate treatment.