All you need to know about Acrosport

Tout savoir sur l'acrosport

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Definition: what is acrosport?

Acrosport is a collective sport that combines acrobatic gymnastics, dance and theater. It is practiced in teams with acrobatic figures performed by several people and can be practiced at different levels, from leisure to high level competition in duet, trio, quartet and quintet. Acrosport can be practiced by children, adolescents and adults. It is important that participants be in good physical condition and that they have confidence in their partners in order to execute acrobatic figures in complete safety. The main objective of acrosport is to create an original show, with several participants, intended to produce an emotion for the spectators.

What are the three roles of acrosport?

There are three main roles in acrosport, complementary and specific, all of which contribute to the successful execution of the performance.

Important: A carrier must always maintain at least two points of contact with the ground. It is also possible for several carriers to carry together one or several acrobats.

Important: The spotter must never have more than two points of contact with the ground and must ensure that he always has a good grip on the carrier (shoulders, knees and pelvis).

Important: a spotter always has his hands free, to prevent falls and to intervene quickly if the acrobat loses his balance.

The good coordination of these roles ensures the individual safety (postures of the carrier, movements of the acrobat, protection of the spotter) and collective by their synergy in the construction of the figures.

Acrosport: What are the safety rules?

What equipment is needed to practice acrosport?

Acrosport: What are the hand holds?

Knowing the different hand holds is a key element to success in acrosport, here are the most used holds:

Reciprocal wrist grip: This grip is used for basic acrobatic tricks, it consists of grabbing the other person’s wrists with both hands, it allows to support each other and control the other person’s position.

Fist on hand control: This hand hold is used for more advanced acrobatic tricks, it consists of grabbing the other person’s wrist with one hand and placing the other hand on the back of the other person’s hand, forming a fist. This grip allows you to control the other person’s position and give him or her strength to perform the movements.

The elbow hold: This hold is used for acrobatic tricks on the ground, it consists in catching the elbows of the other person, this hold allows you to support each other and to control the position of the other person.

Four-handed hold: This hold is used for acrobatic figures in team, it consists in seizing the hands of several people at the same time.

Acrosport: What are the support areas?

When practicing acrosport, it is important to know the areas of support on the carrier to ensure the safety and stability of the acrobatic figures.

The forbidden zones are the middle of the thigh and the back of the partner because this can cause pain and injury to the carrier. Hands on the shoulders or pelvis and feet on the upper thighs or knees are solid areas and ensure the stability of the figures.

Acrosport is an ideal sport activity for school children to develop their motor skills, including coordination, self-confidence and balance. This is why it is taught to children and teenagers in physical education classes. This sport offers a lot of fun and entertainment, which makes it a perfect activity for young people.